About this blog

(edited repeat of the first post)

Hi there!
I thought I ought to sit down and explain just what it is I think I'm doing here (not that that, in the end, may bear any resemblence to what I eventually do). So here goes!

I love vintage clothes, but I don't want to look like I'm unclear on the current decade. So I tend to mix vintage or classic styles in with my other clothes. Sometimes I wear hats and gloves, but rarely at the same time.

I'm about 6 feet tall and fat.
Yes, I said fat. Not overweight, not obese, not fluffy, not padded, not Junoesque. Fat. So there.
I started sewing in junior highschool, when I discovered that anything but a man's shirt from the tall section failed to reach my wrists. Now, decades and decades later I still sew many of my own clothes, rather than buying the overpriced, badly made, hideously colored tents on offer for middle aged women in the fat lady section. Or - heavens - tights masquading as leggins masquarding as jeans.

And that's what this blog is all about. My wardrobe and sewing adventures.
So, what does this have to do with sieves, anyway? Go find the Anagram server, and remember that one of the words is Liz. Go on now, run along. Have some fun!


  1. One of my closest friends is 6 '1 and she is so low on self-esteem. She looks like Barbie and she is even more beautiful on the inside. I wish women didn't judge themselves and each other so harshly. As a shorter woman, I can tell you that years are kinder to tall women and I think you look great..

    I like your blog - how does one follow it? There doesn;t seem to be a place to follow via Blogger or Bloglovin, etc.

  2. Thanks for the kind words. I look and see if there is a Blogger widget that I can stick up that will let you click to follow, but I have followed blogs in the past with Blogger by copying the URL of the blog then adding to my 'dashboard' in Blogger.
