I found this post in my drafts.
It is worthy of resurrection.
How I figured out What Colors I Should Try
Here are some long excerpts from Chapter 11 "Enhancing Personal Coloring" of The Arts of
Costume and Personal Appearance 2nd ed. 1955, 3rd printing 1959,
University of Nebraska. (original edition mid 1940s, so pretty darn applicable for my period of interest.)
These are very long passages. But I think they provide a sensible, useable approach to finding a mid century vintage palette.
Look for the bold entries to skip to various colorings. And, if you are grey-haired like me - the last passage of all is very positive and useful!
"Factors in Becomingness"
"In choosing colors one should not be influenced by prejudice
or attraction to any specific color. By becomingness we mean that the
color does pleasant things to the skin and hair and eyes; that its
texture brings out the right characteristics of the person; and that it
is suited to the occasion. The color should help to impart clearness and
the look of health to the skin. It should not draw or drain from the
skin its natural color. It should bring out the highlights or sheen of
the hair and make the eyes more interesting. Blue and gray eyes are
particularly sensitive to strong color and may be washed out by the
wrong color, or brightened and deepened by the right one. For example,
an entire ensemble of blue may drain blue eyes of their color, but small
accents of blue will make them bluer. By the right color gray eyes can
be changed to blue, green, or violet.
"Likewise skin tone can be
reduced to muddiness by color too light in value, made sallow by bright
complements, or may have an unpleasant florid or red-purple cast when
bright green is worn.
Textures which are right will not add to
size, emphasize thinness, make features appear coarse, or emphasize
lines in the face. Bright colors are more satisfactory in dull textures
than shiny ones, but very flattering results can be achieved with
brighter tones in soft woolens in and pile materials". [pg 262]
"Selecting Colors for Blondes"
method is used we shall consider first all types of blondes, whether
their coloring is vivid with fair skin and lovely golden hair, or more
neutral with delicate, cameo-like skin and flaxen hair, or whether they are
of the ash or nondescript type with skin and hair and eyes blended in a
monotone grayness that requires strong personality or skill in make-up
and costume to overcome.
"Few vivid colors are right for
these types, since they clash with the brilliance of vivid blonde hair,
destroy the delicate beauty of neutral blonde skin and hair, and
eclipse the drabness of ash blonde hair and eyes, making the skin almost
putty colored. We shall attempt, in each type, to highlight or
emphasize their lightness of skin and hair, make the most of delicate
tones of skin, and deepen the color of the eyes. Intermediate hues
rather than [it]primaries[/it] or [it]principal hues[/it] will be more
flattering since they [it]tone in[/it] and better with the many tones of
the complexion. Intermediate hues that belong to blondes have blue
either in admixture or combination and, if this is understood, blondes
will find becoming hues almost anywhere on the color wheel.
of whatever type will choose as their best colors the green-blues and
blue-greens all the way from soft turquoise to bottle green to midnight
blue. The more vivid the individual, the wider will be her range of
values. The composite ash blonde type will need to keep to the darker
values, at the middle value and below, since her problem is to gain
value contrast and a clear skin, what she can do only with the darker
values. These dark values than can be given more life when varied
through texture or ornament. The complete range of green-blues and
blue-greens are right for all blond types because they both relate to
blue overtones and complement skin and hair tones, but their values and
intensities depend on degree of vividness. One may make these basic hues
still more enhancing by repeating the lightness of hair in casts of
yellow-green, or repeating the overtones in touches of a bright, darker
purple-blue, or raspberry, producing a color scheme of wide intervals.
second group of hues for this group is in the blue-violet to red-violet
color path, which is so beautifully enhances cool eyes and violet-red
overtones. Again the value range is varied from light to dark for the
vivid blondes, and is limited to grayer intensities for the
flaxen-haired blonde and to the darker values for ash blonde colorings.
Here there is opportunity for many beautiful effects where large areas
of violet-blue or blue-violet had accents of red-violet or violet-red or
turquoise, used in close intervals; or when medium and dark values are
given added interest by off-whites in pearls or silver or oyster. The
dark red-violets, called wine, seem a bit heavy for the light coloring
of most blondes, and are not for the appealingly feminine kind of
"The often-mentioned fatigue experiment
shows that when one looks hard for a moment or so at one color, its
complement is called up. But if the skin is suntanned or tends at all to
be sallow, the stronger intensities and more luminous blues and violets
tend to force out unpleasant yellows and oranges in the skin. This
would mean that only the darker versions of these color paths would be
becoming. By the use of green-blues and greens, according to the
principle of the fatigue experiment, florid or red-violet tones in the
skin would be forced out unpleasantly.
"Another color
path is that of a cool browns, i.e., browns on the red side which have
been grayed with blue and purple, rather than orange and yellow reduceed
to dark values. Browns of this kind are very beautiful with light hair,
fair skin and blue eyes when accented with rose or violet or blue
violet in a lighter value (a discord). A vivid blonde looks well in
cinnamon, cocoa, and maple sugar brown, particularly when they are
combined with darker values, but she chooses beige only when her hair is
near the auburn tones. Beige is exactly the thing one should not choose
for the mousy or drab blonde, since it affords no contrast, and
contrast is greatly needed.
"Jean Worth, the great French
couturier, once declared red to be one of the most effective colors for
blondes with a clear complexion. And we are inclined to agree with him
if the complexion is good, if the hair is the light flaxen type, and if
the red is the right red. Cardinal (a bright red with a bit of blue) and
vermilion (a light red with a bit of orange) seem right in beautiful
textures. Velasquez used this kind of red as the background curtain for
the dress of a little Spanish Infanta, Margaretta, with flaxen hair and a
pale skin. Red of this quality seems right today for a blonde when of
vivid personality. But there are other becoming reds for blondes; rose
called [it]bois de rose[/it] and coral, if medium strong; and such
pastels as delicate peach and shell pink which blend with skin tones,
but need accenting with darker values in order to avoid sugary look.
the soft yellow-greens in chartreuse and almond and olive are lovely
with definite red violet overtones and vivid gold hair, but they are
hardly wearable for the one who lacks value contrast and definiteness of
"We must not forget the importance of texture
since a less flattering color may be made more wearable in a texture
that is becoming. Lustrous black, such as satin velvets and silver fox,
are beautiful for the vivid blonde and the neutral or flaxen-haired
blonde with strong enough contrast; whereas the more ashen and blonde
needs medium values of warm-cool and cool-warm colors in muted tones and
black (only when in dull textures): the soft brown of baum martin, the
refinement of tourmalines, and [it]crush pastels[/it] like greyed blues
and pinks or aqua when used with darker accents.
"To sum
up, then, all blondes will look best in grayed intensities to enhance
the brightness of their own coloring: values which are dark enough to
high-light their lightness; cool, intermediate colors, both cool-warm
and warm-cool ones to relate and complement their colors; chalk white,
black relieved with pale accents, warm pastels; certain vivid light reds
and lustrous black when the personality is vivid.
makeup, when chosen to synchronize with all costume colors, should
include lipstick and rouge in the violet-red tones, pinks and rose-beige
powder and foundations; brown mascara and blue or green or gray
eyeshadow. Many effects can be obtained by artificial light to intensify
and complement, when one understands how to control color rather than
let it dominate the person". [pg 262-265]
"Selecting Colors for Auburn-haired Types"
"One who is possessed of the gorgeous coloring that accompanies auburn hair should surely understand how to make the most of it.
we have already said, auburn hair coloring ranges all the way from
red-gold to a dark titian and includes the brick-red (more red than
orange) so often seen with a bluish-white or florid skin. The ideal skin
of the auburn-haired is creamy with brown or green or hazel eyes, and
the composite versions of this type may have blue -- often pale blue --
"As we found that pure vivid colors are wrong for
blondes, so for this type vivid colors tend to compete with brightness
and to nullify its beautiful tones. Thus we shall wish to obtain the
desired effect either by using darker values to enhance its lightness
or, in the case of titian hair, we may like the effect of lighter hues
to accentuate its darkness and richness. The warm skin tones and eyes
also help to determine the hues chosen. We shall again select from the
intermediate hues which, if chosen in the right values and intensities,
may range far around the circle. Browns are particularly harmonious with
auburn coloring when used in contrasting tones, i.e., always darker or
lighter than the hair; for example, beige and buff, golden brown,
japonica and safari brown, and Rembrandt brown, the dark, rich
yellow-brown of the old master, especially fine in rich textures.
second color path is that of the yellows and yellow-greens, from soft
chartreuse to olive to a bronze-green so lovely with rust and old gold
jewelry. Greenish gold velvet with cream about the face or accents of
darker green and pearls set in gold would be beautiful for a typical
auburn, and almost as good for vivid blonde. And the same beautiful
scheme carried out in gold in a soft woolen or jersey, or with the green
notes change to brown, is right for all those coloring which ranges
from gold to titian.
"Another color path is that of the
green-blues, which complement the hair and skin tones without forcing
the hair to seem truly red, as green makes it seem except when in dark
values. This range of colors can be used in rare and beautiful schemes
of close intervals of hue but wide range of values. Purple-blue, too
complementary in large areas, is lovely in small accents with red-gold
hair; it supplies all of the primaries, red, yellow, and blue, in a
complete harmony.
"Some authorities would have auburns
use reds and purples, but this truly depends on skin tones, personality,
and the particular reds and purples used.
"For the
auburn with clear, light skin there is nothing quite so beautiful as
delicate, warm pastels -- cream with gold jewelry, pale green-yellow and
yellow-green with darker accents, or delicate shell pink as seen in di
Credi's "Portrait of a Young Girl" (Figure 1). Contrary to our earlier
teaching, there is a tint of delicate pink, between peach and coral,
that is right for most auburns. And darker-skinned auburns may take
their cue from this to select darker values of the same hues,
remembering always to choose them grayer in intensity than their hair.
brick-haired individual has a less simple problem, since there is much
blue in her white skin and a very strong orange in her hair. This person
should be careful not to force these colors but to tone them down with a
close interval of cooler hues. Cream white blue-grays, beige-browns
with strong contrast in darker brown, cool browns with accents of
lighter violet-blues, light violet-blues with accents of darker
purple-blue will be interesting as schemes. They must, of course, be
related to hair or skin and tone down high color.
auburn types, by way of summary, will chose their colors from the
grayed, warm and cool-warm colors, with accents of cool colors: the
earthy tones, cream white, black, and any value form light to dark which
contrasts with the hair, remembering the telling effect of combinations
of several values. Cold blue and purple ranges, almost prohibitive in
large areas, will be selected with care". [pg 265-267]
"Colors for the Vivid Brunette"
type of coloring is quite so easy to suit in the matter of becoming
colors. Strong value contrast made by dark brown hair, eyes, and brows,
against rich creamy skin makes possible the wearing of vivid, almost
unrestrained color, limited only by what
these colors do in forcing sallowness or a hard, unpleasant, orange
cast into the skin. The range of value is wide – dark values sometimes
relieved by accents of light, and light values stopping only at the
point where the complexion tones are made unpleasantly darker by still
lighter pastels. Black is good for this type when the skin is clear;
white also to emphasize the rich, healthy terms of a dark, swarthy skin,
and warm gray may serve as a foil for the dark hair.
color ensemble of a vivid brunette suggest the dominant, barbaric hues
of Old Mexico and South American Indian cultures, or the exciting colors
we associate with the Russian ballet. Chinese and geranium reds, bright
pinks and cerise, emerald green and topaz yellow, and strong
green-yellows which drain color from the faces of more subtle or neutral
types of coloring, should enter into the apparel of this vivid type.
These vivid colors, so well-suited to sport and evening clothes, should
include, from the cooler side of the circle, deep purples and vivid
ultramarine blues that no other type wears quite so well.
for practical, work-a-day clothing, there are these same lavish
colorings in subdued version, reduced almost to earthy tones in soft
woolens and jerseys, which set this type apart. This is the place too
for vivid prints on strongly contrasting backgrounds. And not to be
forgotten are the unusual and exotic furs in leopard and ocelot". [pg
"Composite Brunettes"
brunette colorings are found very commonly in America. One type has
dark hair, fair or creamy skin, and brown or hazel eyes. Many of them
combine the advantage of dark, contrasting hair and brows with cool skin
and eyes, and this combination enables
them to use almost any hue around the circle, providing the value is
darker then their skin and the intensity not so bright as to wash the
color from cool eyes. The warm colors, less strong then those given the
vivid brunette, are becoming; and the bright, cool colors when in darker
values including Wedgwood blue and peacock. The off-whites are also
good, and the warm pastels ranging from orchid around the warm side of
the circle are wearable if dark enough not to force the skin to look
darker". [pg 268]
"Dark-skinned Blondes"
who come under this classification have light yellow to yellow-gold
hair, sometimes quite neutral. We have called them blondes for this
reason, but they could quite as well come under brunette classification
because their eyes are brown (sometimes
hazel) and their skin is either creamy or honey-colored or amber. The
skin is there determining color characteristic.
to the laws of unity their best colors are warm, because related to
hair, skin, and eyes; but the bright, warm colors which we give vivid
brunettes will destroy the richness we appreciate in honey-colored skin;
and bright, cool colors will force an unpleasant orange into the skin.
Thus we shall select color paths of gold and bronze and red-browns from
dark to light, which accent brown eyes and blend honey-colored skin and
light hair. Beiges and tans, however, are so near their own coloring as
to be drab and uninteresting. Other color paths are in the darker
greens, blue-greens, and earthy tones; turquoise, bright green, and
white are enhancing by night". [pg 268-269]
"Light haired brunettes"
light-skinned, light-haired brunette or blonde with brown eyes is
another unusual type, and in this instance costume colors are influenced
by brown or hazel eyes. for her also are brown, from yellow to
red-browns, as suggest by those of the
French peasant costume in Figure 8 of Chapter VII. Beautiful effects of
light and dark values are right for this kind of coloring in either warm
or cool brown; e.g., dark yellow-browns with gold and cream, or
red-browns with rose, or chocolate browns with violet-blues or soft
turquoise. One example is of two young women who were twins, recently
seen in a fashionable New York restaurant. Their coloring was of the
fair-skinned, brown-eyed blonde type and each was meticulously dressed
for afternoon in golden-brown surah silk, designed with exquisite
detail. They also wore large leghorn hats with dark brown velvet subtly
draped above and under the crown. Each wore sheer honey-colored hose and
light suede gloves of a similar hue with darker bag and pumps. As a
last perfect note in this scheme of varied textures were exquisite
antique-looking gold and pearl earrings and bracelets. And not to be
forgotten for this coloring is the beauty of cream white and cool
pastels of turquoise and green and pale violet-blue which may be scented
with gold jewelry and soft rich furs such as beaver, seal, nutria,
mink, and kolinsky". [pg 269]
"The Olive-skinned Brunettes"
dark brown or black hair and very deep ivory skin which has a definite
greenish cast we associate with women in Latin countries such as Spain
and Italy and South American countries. Then there are the sun-tanned
olive skin which has a rich bronze cast,
and then many olive types with lighter hair and hazel eyes. The most
distinguished of the olive types is perhaps the pale ivory skin against
dark hair.
"We get our best conception of hues for dark
olive skins from old Egyptian murals. Elizabeth Burris-Meyer has
beautifully assembled some of these in dull tones of yellow-greens,
mustard, yellow, ocher, copper, dull rust-reds, with here and there a
note of lapis lazuli or turquoise included in a typical Egyptian
palette. These are the colors which we call [it]earthy[/it] and which
relate to today's dark olive and bronze coloring without making it
sallow or giving it to ruddy a glow. Furthermore, black can be very
interesting against young, fresh, glowing skins, but it makes older ones
look dull. However, combined with the earthy tones of gold and copper
and ocher it is rich and striking. Dark bright blues, wines, and bottle
greens are also right; bright green and turquoise and white for evening
compliment this dusky kind of beauty and set it apart with an individual
distinction. Cheek rouge will widen the color repertoire of the olive
type, but in doing this women in this group become more nearly vivid
brunettes and lose some of their uniqueness.
brunettes thus are at their best in grayer hues in values depending on
how dark they are and particularly centering on earthy tones of
yellow-green. Passing toward the reds they may use the hues around as
far as red-purple providing it is grayed. Turning to the cool colors,
they have all the greens, blue-greens, and pure bright blues. In this
way full importance is given to bronze or dark, rich, greener tones in
skin and eyes.
"Light-haired, olive-skin brunettes have a
wider range of values, adhering to the same color paths". [pg 270]
"Irish blondes"
of the most fortunate of all color types is that of cool coloring with
dark and light contrast usually known as the Irish type. Fortunate they
are because added to fair skin, red-violet overtones, and cool eyes is
the advantage of blue-black hair, which
points up features and gives a definiteness so often needed by the
blonde. This type has all the range of [it]acid[/it]colors from
blue-greens around the cool side of the circle to red-violet in all
values darker than the skin. They may wear chalk white and unrelieved
black, sharp contrast of black and white and all the grays; silver lamé,
the grey and black lustrous furs, and precious stones which repeat
their cool qualities. Beiges do them little good because they are
unrelated to their coloring. The reds which have a base of orange or
yellow are less wearable; yellow-green is unflattering, unless accented
with something very becoming as in a Schiaparelli gown of sage green
crepe with rose a green lamé jacket and shrimp pink buttons down the
front. But reds with a tinge of blue such as crimson and American Beauty
are most effective. "Their very best colors, however, will come from the
wide, cool range mentioned above, often chosen to enhance the
particular eye coloring when of definitely blue-violet to green. Pastels
of the mauve, orchid and periwinkle versions, not to grayed, are
excellent for evening; an example from the past is an arresting 1880
gown in light purple-blue with tiny ruffles in American Beauty (a
dissonant) edging the skirt". [pg 271]
"Gray - and White - Haired Types"
these types come all those whose hair, and usually skin as well, have
lost part of their original coloring. These women may draw on a great
variety of colors if they understand their coloring, as it was
originally, and the tones in their changed coloring. And indeed, those
who have clear complexions and fine eyes can make themselves most
distinctive, providing they have courage and taste. Some high
authorities believe that for the older woman a much more subtle and
beautiful color effect is gained by placing cheek rouge under the eyes
than in the usual position.
"There are those whose hair
is still mixed with dark. Sometimes these women care to have a shampoo
rinse that tides them over until the hair is entirely gray or white.
Again there are those whose skin has changed and is florid, or sallow,
or a darkish orange against the mixed coolness of the hair. These women
will not look their best in the colors they are originally wore, but
there will be some colors in their original classification that will
suit them when neutralized and darker. There is the stage when one must
avoid these colors which emphasize the yellows and greenish or brownish
tones in the hair. Thus browns, bieges, and yellow, and most prints
because of their patterns, and strong compliments are barred. Dark
values, grayed colors in the cool range from blue-green around the cool
side of the circle to wines are usually good. No light yellows to
yellow-greens, but cool, muted colors and pastel pinks and blues are
right if kept darker than the skin. Discreet use of make-up in the color
path which tones in best with the skin is very helpful and affords
opportunity for highest skill in choosing and application. The faintest
tinge of eyeshadow often does lovely things, but, again, it must be used
with discretion.
"The problem of the woman with gray
hair is simpler in that she has the opportunity to complement its gray
tones in costume colors, always taking the skin tones into account.
Brown eyes set the pace for certain dark greens and taupe-browns,
whereas cool eyes afford opportunity for a wide range of cool colors,
limited only by the brightness and freshness of the skin.
the white haired woman with good clear skin, especially when she is
fair, affords a magnificent canvas for artistic achievement in color
ensembling. She may choose from all the range of blues, black and chalk
white, coral, blue-green, ultramarine and purple tones from light to
dark; and she may choose the lovely pastel pinks and mauves, and violets
– all those beautiful combinations which became so well the powdered
headdresses of the eighteenth century French court. We would not give
her yellow-greens, but we would accent her natural coloring with rouge
and lipstick of the most delicate light, cool hues and give her a
rose-leaf powder, and if necessary, a hyacinth rinse, and perhaps
eyeshadow of lavender blue. And this way our white-haired lady is able
to eclipse all the young things in her striking beauty". [pg 271-273]
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